Your Greatest Love Story Starts Now

Discover the Wholehearted Dating Method and transform your love life.

Any of this sound familiar?

You’re feeling disheartened and jaded by dating apps.

You feel alone and misunderstood because your friends don’t seem to get your struggles or your family won’t stop asking if you’re ‘seeing anyone special’.

You feel happy with pretty much every aspect of your life but when it comes to your love life, you feel stuck.

You’re ready to create a loving relationship and find your person but you get stuck in frustrating patterns (like second guessing every move you make and over-analysing every move they make) and you suspect patterns like these are holding you back.

You’re fed up of attracting unavailable partners who can’t commit and you’re ready to raise your standards in love.

If any of this resonates then please know that change is possible.

And you don’t have to do it alone.


The Wholehearted Dating Method

Step into a world of wholehearted dating and go from frustrated, stuck and always dating the “wrong person” to feeling calmer, happier and more empowered by expanding your capacity to love and be loved.

It’s a 3 month 1:1 coaching programme for big-hearted women who are ready to raise their standards, restore their confidence and date with their whole heart.

“Working with Vicki has changed my life”.

“Deciding to do this programme was my bravest and best choice of 2022.

There are too many lessons and aha moments to write down here, but it's fair to say as someone who felt embarrassed and intimidated by how long I'd been single, working with Vicki has completely changed my perspective. Whilst I still haven't met my person, I can now
date confidently, bravely and vulnerably.

I've learnt how to state my needs, how to show up for myself and how to stop self sabotaging. I have faith and confidence, not only in the dating pool, but most importantly in myself.

If you are feeling at the end of your tether with the modern dating world, I could not recommend working with Vicki highly enough,
she has reset how I view dating and relationships and I could not feel more honoured or grateful to have had her as my coach!”

— Vicky (former client)

Imagine being brave enough to be your authentic self on a date.

Imagine dating in a way that doesn’t leave you feeling depleted and like giving up hope.

Imagine having the courage to set boundaries and ask for what you need in love.

Imagine feeling calm and grounded on your dates instead of feeling anxious and stressed.

Imagine feeling more in control and empowered on your love journey, with a dating wing woman by your side every step of the way ❤️ (that’s me!).

Hello, I’m Vicki!

I’m a Love, Dating and Relationship coach who is totally devoted to helping big-hearted women to date wholeheartedly and love with courage.

In my work as a Love Coach, the co-founder of Project Love and the former Dating and Relationship expert for, I’ve had the honour of helping over a thousand women to navigate the ups and downs of modern dating.

I’m a licensed Master NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner, a certified Advanced EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Practitioner, a BSc Psychology graduate and a life-long learner in the field of Psychology, personal development, love and relationships.

In 10 years of working with big-hearted women, and from my own journey of healing, I’ve found that the way to more inner peace and joy in our love lives is by healing our relationship with ourselves first. Because transformation starts from within and when we heal our hearts, the rest will follow.

You deserve to feel loved, supported and cared for while you’re doing the brave thing of dating and putting yourself out there.

It would be a privilege to support you.

Working with Vicki was one of the best things I have done for myself.

“Vicki taught me how to visualise, trust and work towards a future I have always wanted. When things get tricky, I revert back to the hours of sessions we had, as well as the techniques that she taught me. I came away from the programme feeling more in control of my emotions and what I need to make myself happy.

I gained an insight into my own happiness and realised the importance of confidence and self love. I've learnt to back myself, set boundaries, and go after what I deserve.

And I’m now in the happiest, healthiest relationship I’ve probably ever had!”

— Jessica Kidd (former client)

The Wholehearted Dating 1:1 Coaching Programme is a 3 month journey with Vicki as your coach

Over the 3 months, you would have me by your side, lovingly guiding you to transform your mindset and habits around dating and relationships so you can date as the fullest expression of who you are.

In every 1:1 session, I will meet you with kindness, compassion and empathy.

My intention is always to create a loving and safe environment for you to feel seen and understood and to positively challenge you in ways that help you to grow.

My aim is to increase your self-awareness and self-understanding to help you to make different choices and take positive actions in your love life to create powerful change.

I am in your corner every step of the way, to encourage you as you take brave steps forward, to lovingly challenge you when you’re playing small, to remind you of your loveability when you have forgotten and to guide you towards the healthy and loving relationship you deserve.

Every journey with my clients is unique and deeply personal. It is a journey of growth and learning and courageous change and transformation.

“Vicki helped me to become less anxious in dating and relationships and work on becoming more secure and trusting in love.”

“My biggest aha moment is how my anxious tendencies and attachment style isn't anything to be embarrassed or ashamed about.

I knew that I felt anxious and needy in love, though it was the first time while working with Vicki that I realised there is nothing wrong or flawed with me.

I started to hold those parts of myself with deeper tenderness, love, and care.

I started to love myself more deeply and I realised that my heart is really beautiful and I have a lot of love to give and I deserve and am worthy of a partner with an equally giving and generous heart”.

— Priyanka Yadvendu (former client)

The Wholehearted Dating
1:1 Coaching Programme

will help you to:

  • Cultivate self-understanding by gaining valuable insights into the types of people you are attracting, and attracted to, and gain clarity on your romantic patterns through the lens of attachment theory (a framework for understanding yourself and how you relate to others).

  • Heal past disappointments and heartbreak and cultivate a loving, supportive and compassionate relationship with yourself (because the relationship we have with ourselves is our greatest love story and the source of everything we want more of - inner peace, joy, freedom and love).

  • Become your own compatibility expert by getting clear on your relationship vision, your needs and values and learn how to discern between dating red flags and green flags.

  • Recover from dating fatigue and burnout, reset your approach and reconnect back to you.

  • Learn practical tools for emotional regulation (and to manage emotional triggers), to date with less stress and anxiety and more ease and fun!

  • Gain the courage to overcome fear and advocate for yourself on dates, from a place of worthiness and empowerment.

  • Learn the tools for honest and open communication with potential partners (a game changer!).

  • Cultivate a kind and compassionate inner voice and learn how to speak to yourself like someone you love.

  • Raise your standards in love and learn how to set dating boundaries to protect your time, energy and heart (because your time and energy are precious and your heart is beautiful).

  • Practice being vulnerable on dates and open your heart to love and connection.

  • Feel calmer, happier and more hopeful about the future, tapping into your inner source of self love, wisdom and strength.

  • Remove the obstacles and limiting beliefs to a healthy relationship and become the hero of your love story ❤️ 

“My time with Vicki has been the most valuable and positive step I’ve ever made in my personal life.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that at the end of the coaching I met a man I can picture spending the rest of my life with.”

— Kate Shepherd (former client)

The Wholehearted Dating 1:1 Coaching Programme includes…

6 x 60 minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Vicki (on Zoom)

Vicki’s support in-between sessions via email or texts and voicenotes on Whatsapp (so you always feel held)

Toolbox of tools & techniques to support you on your journey (including guided Tapping/EFT videos, guided visualisations, journalling prompts)

A guided 1:1 coaching and mentoring programme and your own personal love coach and dating wing woman for 3 months!

“I can honestly say, the work I’ve done with Vicki has been life changing”.

“Vicki opened my eyes to the types of people I was interested in and showed me how I could go ‘off-piste’ and give guys that were traditionally not my type a chance.

She taught me how to love myself, to enjoy my own company and be at peace with being single.
And now, 3 months later, I’ve not only met the man of my dreams, but I’m a stronger, calmer and happier person all round.

I can’t recommend Vicki highly enough. Her work is actual magic”

— Lauren Leopold (former client)

So if you’re ready to raise your standards, restore your confidence and date with your whole heart then apply today!

The investment to work with Vicki and join the Wholehearted Dating 3 month 1:1 Coaching Programme is £3750.

An installment plan is available at 4 x monthly payments of £997.

Spaces are limited.

“I was at a point in my life where I was completely ready and willing to do some difficult thinking around why my love life had never really worked out (yet all other areas of my life had)”

“Working with Vicki, she supported and encouraged me to challenge myself to open up to being vulnerable and to find ways of letting go of past hurts that were keeping me stuck in a “you’re not good enough” soundtrack.

I came out of the 3 month programme confidently equipped with new ways of thinking and reflecting and also having learnt so much more about myself! I am so pleased to have made the decision to complete this programme with Vicki and would recommend anyone to do the same.

If you feel stuck and are genuinely ready and willing to work on changing this, then your timing will be right also...... I wish you all the insight, confidence and positivity that the programme gave to me ”

— Lisa, London (former client)

Further Testimonials for Vicki’s coaching

  • “My ‘A-Ha’ moment was realising that the journey wasn’t about changing ‘me’ to make myself more lovable or worthy to potential dates, but actually learning to accept myself exactly as I am, and to see my own self worth in potential relationships. I can see how my dating journey has changed from a place fearful of rejection, lack of worth, and never feeling good enough, to one that today has boundaries, that doesn’t define my self worth, and is a more wholehearted approach. I feel stronger, empowered and motivated in my dating journey today. I know that today I own this journey, rather than feeling like I’m at the mercy of my emotions. And I’m enjoying it again, finally!

    Joanne D'Arcy (former client)

  • "7 years of single life ended in a month and a half. I mainly wanted to write to say thank you Vicki. I really feel you have helped me so much. I’ve been sleeping better, being more in the present moment, moving out of my comfort zone and actively dealing with worries using the techniques you’ve taught me. I’ve loved being a part of Project Love this year. I’m hugely grateful for your time and kindness.”

    Katy, London (former client)

  • "Working with Vicki was such a gorgeous experience. We met in early February 2020 for our first session and instantly I felt comfortable and supported and also really hopeful and excited about being able to build my confidence back up after a very painful break up the previous year. A big lesson was to cut myself some slack when things didn't go to plan (which happened often!) and when I was ready, to dive into dating with a new found openness. Cut to today and I am now really happy in a relationship - having gone on to meet someone during lockdown, who is like a best friend as well as a great partner. But most importantly, I listen to myself and am definitely a lot kinder to myself and others because of this experience”.

    DC, London (former client)

“Vicki changed the way I thought about dating and relationships.”

“I realised that it all started with me - that I had to understand and love myself first. With her help not only did dating became more fun (and successful), but so did life in general.

I am happier, more open, more engaged and really looking forward to what lies ahead”.

— Shonagh (former client)

Got questions? See the FAQs at the bottom of the page or drop me a message via the chat button (bottom right of this page). You can also message me via the link below.

“What I loved most was the feeling of support and loving encouragement provided by Vicki. Our sessions always felt like a warm hug”.

“This programme is about reflecting on what type of partner will fit your emotional needs, future vision, lifestyle - and overcoming whatever mental roadblocks are standing in the way of manifesting that person.

Vicki helps you identify and let go of any false narratives that may be preventing you from believing that you deserve big love”.

— Lindsay (former client)

“I am astonished by how far I have come through Vicki and this incredible programme”

Before I had started love and dating coaching with Vicki, I had gotten a divorce and was really scared to get back into the dating world and be vulnerable again. I wasn't living my life to the fullest because I was scared of getting hurt again. Vicki was the loving, supportive, encouraging and understanding voice that I needed in my journey to try and meet someone again. 

Through the techniques that Vicki taught me and the topics that we dug into in our sessions and the pre-session work, I feel like I am the best version of myself right now and am finally ready to be vulnerable and put myself out there again. This is such a massive step in my life. 

With Vicki, I re-examined what I needed in order to feel fulfilled in a healthy, honest and loving relationship. Just last night I had the best date of my life with someone I am so compatible with and the feeling with him is different from anyone I've dated before. I know this is because of the incredible work Vicki and I did and investing in myself and this programme was the best thing I've ever done for myself. 

— Allison (former client)

  • "Working with Vicki has been an incredibly transformative experience and I can't recommend Vicki's love coaching highly enough. She provides a safe, supportive and loving environment in which to explore relationships and to build on the most important relationship; that which we have with ourselves. Vicki's coaching has helped me to build a personalised toolkit to start tapping back into my imagination and help me to create and dream about possibilities to bring more love into my life both now and in the future and to see the abundance of love that is already present. Vicki has supported me to support myself in a caring and enabling way and to capitalise on my own inner wisdom and deepen the relationship I have with myself and to learn more about the kind of person I want to share my life with. This programme is perfect for anyone who is looking to bring more love into their lives and to embark on a journey to a more nourishing and fulfilling relationship with themselves and others with guidance from an incredibly special and loving guide who brings a sprinkle of magic to the whole experience!"

    Gemma B (former client)

  • "Vicki listened and offered excellent insight and guidance, giving practical tools which helped me to reframe my thoughts on my own love life and enabled me to move forwards feeling lighter and much more positive about things. I am sure that it is not a coincidence that just 8 days after our session I had an amazing first date with the loveliest, kindest guy who I have now been seeing for a month. Vicki's support has enabled me to feel clearer about my own needs going into a relationship, and the reasons why I have responded in certain ways in the past. It is not an exaggeration to say that the person I am with now treats me better than all of my previous exes put together. It is still early days, but I feel totally safe, secure and special with him and I will be forever grateful that I booked that call with Vicki to work on my own mindset about dating and to free me up to attract a healthy, loving relationship".

    Alison (former client)

  • “I loved working with Vicki, it was like having a very wise big sister to advise on matters of the heart! I'd never really done anything like it; I think the combination of straight-talking and a gentle guiding hand really worked wonders for my self-confidence and belief that I was someone who might actually be capable of going on dates and even finding a great guy at the end of it all. I think the biggest take away for me from the programme was how much self-compassion I was in need of, and how important that was to me as part of the dating process. I began to see myself as a person who was valuable for who I was right now. The programme would be perfect for women like me, who have maybe given up after a long struggle to make the modern dating scene work for them, and need someone to pick them up, dust them down and remind them how beautiful and valuable they are. That is certainly what Vicki did for me. Thank you Vicki for helping me see myself more clearly and for guiding me to more positive ways of connecting with men.”

    Kathy (former client)

“What I loved the most was Vicki’s kindness, love and understanding”

“She never judges but has such an empathetic perspective. I felt really supported by her to be my true self in our conversations, which ultimately helped me grow and develop a lot more into finding self love and feeling more confident on my dating journey.

I would recommend this coaching programme to anyone who struggles with dating and meeting people but also those who need to build self love and self worth.

Vicki challenges in a compassionate but constructive way so
if you're stuck in a rut, she is the woman to give you the helping hand to get you out and put you back in the driving seat of your dating journey”

— Laura (former client)

  • ”Vicki taught me how to truly love myself and how to be happy again and changed my life. I can’t really explain how it happened or what Vicky did but over the course of the six sessions and through the communication between each session, I came to feel not just better about the difficult break-up I had recently gone through but ‘better’ and happier in myself than I think I ever have done. People tell you all the time that you need to love yourself before anyone else will, but no one seems able to explain how to do that. That’s what Vicky has taught me. She taught me how to truly love myself and how to be happy again".

    Jayne, London (former client)

  • “When I decided to join the 3 month coaching programme I was at a time in my life where I felt like I was stuck in a relationship rut (repeating the same mistakes over and over) and believed all men were just a huge disappointment. While I had just starting seeing someone at the time I was full of anxiety and fear. Over the course of 3 months, Vicki really listened to me and gave me a set of tools and strategies to break my relationship patterns and along the course I realised that I am important and that I do matter, while this sounds very simple I had always put boyfriends’ needs first above my own. I have learnt so much from Vicki and cannot express how grateful I am. I cannot recommend this highly enough, I have much more clarity now and feel so much happier in myself! Thank you x”

    Clara, London (former client)

  • “Vicki created a safe environment to explore fears that I had been trying to bury for years. She is down to earth, genuine and easy to talk to, making me look forward to the calls we had fortnightly. The course is an investment: an investment in time, in money, in emotions, but absolutely worth it all. I really don’t know where I would be now without having done the programme, particularly during the Covid pandemic. For years I didn’t think love was for me or that I deserved it. That it would happen to someone else. But now, I prioritise myself and what makes me happy and I truly believe I am worthy of love as much as the next person.”

    Sharon Brydon (former client)

“Working with Vicki was amazing, it was like having a supportive friend who was also an expert in love - so you knew you could trust the guidance fully and really embrace the process knowing you were in safe hands”.

“There are so many challenges to love and dating at all different stages and Vicki helped me work through them all from believing it was possible and breaking subconscious barriers to first dates to weeks of dating.

It was all so valuable and useful and has given me a
different mindset to carry into the dating world in future”.

— Becky (former client)

  • I would thoroughly recommend the 1:1 coaching programme - it helped me to feel positive about dating again after a series of breakups and to let go of limiting beliefs around my dating life. My biggest aha moment was realising that being vulnerable is not a bad thing and is actually really important for creating connection. I often felt that I needed to hide my feelings in the early stages of a relationship or be the 'cool girl' but Vicki encouraged me to let go of these limiting beliefs and embrace the power of vulnerability. I actually met someone whilst on the programme and having Vicki's support to navigate the early stages of the relationship was hugely beneficial. Although that relationship didn't work out I feel much more confident about getting back into dating again with the tools I have learnt from the programme, if you are need of a self love boost you should absolutely go for this coaching, it's worth it!”

    Beth (former client)

  • “Working with Vicki has been brilliant. I had some things I wanted to address and she was great at being flexible and focusing on these things and how they affect relationships. It was great to feel I had Vicki ‘on my team’ as I was looking to change. Through working together I have developed a healthier attitude to relationships, including my own relationship with myself and this has put me in a much better place to find someone with whom to build a long-term partnership.

    Tom, London (former client)

  • "Having listened to hundreds of podcasts about love and dating, read the books, watched the youtube/instagram influencers, done the quizzes, I was all out of ideas and I came out of my three month programme with Vicki with a TRUNK not just a toolbox of tools, tips, tricks and ideas that have done wonders to change the way I think and feel about dating. If the idea of turning on the dating apps and chatting to men fills you with dread, horror, fatigue or just a general sense of gloom - join Vicki and I promise you within a few months, you will have your mind blown at what a difference time with her will make.”

    Nita Patel (former client)

“I reached out to Vicki when I’d hit a complete wall in my love life and was really struggling”

“I felt I had completely lost who I was and even what I was looking for within my relationship.

With Vicki I just felt completely seen. With kindness and sensitivity, she helped me to reframe my perspective and showed me the importance of self-love when it comes to finding love in a relationship. After the coaching, I felt grounded, nourished, empowered and so much happier.

Honestly it changed my life!

Working with Vicki was the best decision I could have made for myself - I can’t recommend her enough! She is, quite simply, divine.”

— Alice Lewis (former client)

Join Wholehearted Dating and make a decision today that your future self will thank you for.

Because you are your best investment and your greatest love story is yet to be written ❤️ .

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Broadly speaking, the main differences between therapy and coaching are:

    Therapy helps people to reach a place of stability, healing and coping by removing pain or distress (which can be related to trauma, disorders or illness). Therapy is more slower-paced than coaching, with a focus on deep reflection, catharsis and an in-depth exploration of the past.

    Coaching helps people who are already in a place of stability, healing and coping to move to a place of growth and improvement. Coaching is fast-paced, action-focused and goal-oriented. It is mostly focused on the future (rather than the past) and for those who are ready, willing and able to move forward and create change.

    Coaching is generally for people who have had some form of therapy or counselling. Coaching does not diagnose or treat any kind of mental illness in the DSM-V or ICD-11.

  • I am a licensed Master NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner, a certified Advanced EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Practitioner and BSc (Hons) Psychology graduate with 10 years experience working with clients 1:1 as a coach. I am currently training in Somatic Attachment Therapy.

  • I’m an intuitive coach whose work is grounded in the principles of Attachment theory - a Psychological model describing three main types of relationship patterns (anxious, avoidant and secure). Attachment theory is one of the most researched area of Relationship Psychology.

    I use evidence-based techniques to help clients to release dating-related stress and anxiety and to reframe self-limiting beliefs and mindsets, so that they are able to overcome their challenges, move forward and create positive change.

  • Neuro Linguistic Programming is an approach to Psychology that’s based on the idea that a change in behaviour requires a change in mindset (e.g. our thoughts, beliefs, internal scripts) and a change in language (e.g. the words we use, the stories we tell - to ourselves and others).

    In dating and relationship coaching, I use NLP to help clients to bring their conscious relationship vision into alignment with the unconscious beliefs, thought patterns and narratives (e.g. about themselves, others, dating, what it means to be in a relationship) that could be running in the background.

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (commonly known as ‘Tapping’) is an evidence-based self help technique that combines elements from ancient Chinese Medicine and modern Psychology. Research shows that Tapping reduces stress and anxiety. It is known as a Psychological version of acupuncture, involving ‘tapping’ on specific parts of the body (acupressure points), while talking (or emoting) about what feels challenging, scary or overwhelming.

    In dating and relationship coaching, I use EFT to help clients to release fears, worries and anxieties relating to love, dating and relationships and to inspire their courage to open up their heart to love. Tapping is particularly powerful for people with love anxiety because it calms and regulates the nervous system, helping a client to self-soothe in times of stress and feel calm, relaxed and supported.

  • No. This programme is about reconnecting back to you and learning wholehearted dating strategies that support you to date from a place of worthiness and authenticity. You don’t need to be dating to complete the programme. In fact, you might want to take an intentional break from dating while you learn the wholehearted dating method.

  • 1:1 Sessions take place on Zoom or over the phone.

  • I work with clients on Zoom from all over the world and in all different time zones.

  • Do feel free to reach out via the chat function below (it’s on the bottom right of the screen) or email me on